Saving money on utility bills is something most people are looking for.
When you are looking for an energy provider, it can be difficult to choose the right one. You might be paying high rates and have complicated schedule of usage. It will take time to find the best energy provider for you. This guide will give you tips on how to lower your gas and electric costs so that you can pay less each month.
How Much Energy Does an Average Household Use?
The average home has four to six occupants. If the average person has 4 personal devices, that means that they have 16-24 devices. It does not include the essential things like washing machines or a cooker.
We have more gadgets and appliances than 10 years ago. You may think this won’t help saving money on utility bills! Thing is, we use on average the same amount of electricity.
This is in part because batteries have got more efficient and take less time to charge. Below I will share with you 5 ways to save money and energy.
Saving Money On Utility Bills – How To Save on Running Costs
The most obvious thing you can do to be saving money on utility bills is to turn appliances OFF when not in use. A recent study indicates that 9-16% of a typical family’s usage is because appliances are left on. It’s surprising how much you can save when turned off.
We tend to take electricity for granted and assume it will always be on. Making this simple change alone can reduce the bill by up 16% a month.
Whilst this might not seem a substantial saving, there are far more savings to be had…
Saving Money On Utility Bills – How to Reduce Gas Use.
Gas is often cheaper than electricity. Many home occupiers waste a lot by having the heating thermostat set high. In fact, if you turned it down by between and 1-5 degrees, you would see a significant saving.
You might want to think about replacing your gas cooker or boiler if they are more than 10 years old. A new one will use less energy and save you money.
This may not seem practical, but the long-term savings outweigh the cost in most instances.
How to reduce cost:
- Turn off standby appliances
- Turn appliances off at the socket to save an average of £50 a year.
- An A+++ washing will typically use £65 less energy than an A+ one over an 11-year product lifespan.
- A modern, efficient dishwasher will cost around £7 less a year to run compared to an older model.
- An A+++ fridge freezer will save around £320 in energy bills over its lifetime compared to an A+ model.
- You can install a smart plug. You can control this from your mobile phone by cutting off power to the socket remotely. A worthwhile investment.
Saving Money On Utility Bills – Use a SMART Thermostat.
This connects your boiler to the internet and a mobile app allows you to adjust the smart thermostat.
This means you can lower the thermostat when you are away from home and turn it up when you leave to go home. On the windy cold days, you can walk into a warm and comfortable house. Doing this you will reduce running costs.
Saving Money On Utility Bills – Wash Clothes at a Lower Temperature.
If, like ours, your washing machine is on every day, you could be using a lot of energy. It is viable and sensible to use a lower temperature to get your clothes clean. Higher temperature uses more energy because of the built in water heater. With the new detergents a lower temperature is ok.
Check your costs and call your power company to see if a dual tariff may be more useful. Washing clothes overnight you are on an Economy 7, dual tariff works out a lot cheaper. It depends on how much you use the machine.
Washing at 30 degrees rather than 40 degrees can help reduce your energy usage. If you can cut out one wash cycle per week, you’ll save £5 off your annual energy bill.
For some a dishwasher is not essential. If you have a large family, a dishwasher can be a life saver! Especially after a family dinner. Who wants to be washing up for an hour? A dishwasher can prevent a lot of grief and fighting over who is washing and drying right?
You should use a dishwasher when it’s full. It’s a worthwhile investment if you have a large family. When full, the dishwasher runs more efficiently.
Saving Money On Utility Bills – Close the Doors!
When doors are open, heat is escaping moving around the house. This is not helpful in saving money on utility bills!
By closing doors, you will help to keep the heat in the occupied room. You don’t need to turn the thermostat up further thinking it’s cold.
Close the door – It will help!
Saving Money On Utility Bills – How to keep an eye on what you are using.
Keeping a watchful eye on your consumption levels can help you decide if you have to change the way you use energy.
A Smart Meter lets you track your consumption with accurate and real-time information. Learn more about how they work in this guide to Smart Meters.
Saving Money On Utility Bills – Do You Know How Much You Are Paying?
Most home owners don’t know how to check their consumption. Since 2011, the government has been trying to help you save money by giving smart meters for free. You need to call your energy company. This allows you to see exactly how much you are using.
- You don’t need to go into the cupboard under the stairs.
- No risk of spiders leaping at you.
- No more meter readers knocking on your door!
A lot of of people are being overcharged, and some have been for a very long time.
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